
Online Letter Case Converter

Online Case Converter is a text converter that transforms text into different types of letter casing such as lower case camel Case, capital Case, constant Case, dot Case, header Case, no Case, param Case, pascal Case, path Case, sentence Case, snake Case, titleCase, swapCase, isLowerCase, isUpperCase, lowerCase, lowerCaseFirst, upperCase, upperCaseFirst, spongeCase. We follow standard English rules in our letter casing conversion and conversion is done almost immediately.

Easy & Fast to Use
Our website is well optimized and can process your inputs within some split seconds. It works perfectly well on both low-end and high-end devices as we use the latest technologies for encoding system.

No Registration Required
Our website/webapp is currently open to all. All features are available for all guest. You don't need to register to convert text to various cases.

Compatible With all Devices
Our website is completely mobile and PC friendly. You may convert text using any OS including iPhone, Android, Windows, Linux & MacOS. The app is also fully compatible with the latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.

Our webapp is secured. We do not store any text and words you process through the webapp